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JROTC Cadets participate in a myriad of co-curricular activities to demonstrate their attainment of lesson outcomes. Some of these activities include precision and exhibition Military Drill Competitions, Archery Competitions; Vex Robotic Competitions; JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl (JLAB); Cyber Competitions; and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Camp; and also a Physical Fitness competition known as Raider Challenges and JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC). Cadets who complete 4 years of JROTC co-curricular activities and its challenging curriculum will be more college and/or career ready.

A program for challenging Cadets to learn values of leadership and citizenship, while preparing for higher education milestones like college entrance exams.

The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) is an all-service national competition that culminates in the Level III JLAB Championship at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC!

The Competition focuses in two categories

- Leadership

- Academics

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The U.S. Army JROTC Color Guard is an important part of the JROTC organization. a Color Guard detachment is group of Distinguished Cadets assigned to the protection of the National Flags and the Regimental Colors. The duty is highly prestigious and honorable. 

Color Guard detail supports local and school events in presentation of the National Colors at the opening and/or closing Ceremony. 

Color Guard is also part of the National Drill Competition. 


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The JROTC National Robotics Championship is a multiday competition held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas where JROTC Robotics teams will battle it out for a number of awards and to become a Tournament Champion!

The Robotic Team aim to design and build robots who can accomplish certain tasks and score points. The process aim to improve student's design, engineering, and coding abilities and also develop team work and collaboration strategy.

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The U.S. Army JROTC National Drill Championship are a 1-day event where Army JROTC Drill teams compete. This event takes place at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL.

The National High School Drill Team Championship is a 3-day, all-service Drill & Ceremony competition for JROTC Cadets. 


A Drill Competition Team consist of both Regulation and Exhibition Categories


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The JROTC National Aerial Drone Championship is a multiday competition held at the Batesville, Mississippi, where JROTC Drone teams will battle it out for a number of awards and to become a Tournament Champion!

The Drone Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

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The JROTC and National Archery in the Schools Program is an in-school program aimed at improving educational performance among students. The Program aim to let students learning focus, self-control, discipline, patience, and the life lessons required to be successful in the classroom and in life.

Archery National championships held each year in Sandy, UT (Western National) and Louisville, KY (Eastern National)

The JROTC Raider Competition is a very physically demanding competition. It is a three-day event, held every November in Molina, GA. Day one is an all-service Raider championship followed by a two day all Army National championships. Events consist of a team run, Gauntlet, Rope bridge, Cross Country Rescue lane and PTT event. Team from all USACC BDE’s qualify in local meets to attend this event.


JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenges are Brigade-level (Regional and League) events for Army JROTC Cadets that take place across the world. JCLCs are typically held at Boy Scout camps or military installations. The JCLC training mainly focusses on developing leadership skills, teamwork and physically demanding obstacle courses and challenges.

JCLCs are beginning to incorporate STEM activities as part of the camps.

Our schools (Thomas Edison CTE) which have a JROTC Cyber program will host a Cyber JCLC each year focus on Cyber related challenges (check below section for detail). 

​CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation’s future. ​At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation’s largest cyber defense competition that puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks.

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JROTC Cyber Capture the Flag (CTFd) Competition is a high-level Cyber Security related competition aimed to test the skill and knowledge level of our cyber cadet through either scenario based Q&A or Task Performance solutions for each challenges. 

Our schools (Thomas Edison CTE) which have a JROTC Cyber program will also host advanced Cyber CTFd competition each year during our Cyber JCLC. 

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​Thomas Edison JROTC Program host an Annual Cyber JCLC/STEM Camp that focus on enhancing Cyber skills of our Cyber Cadets and expose them to Knowledge, Perspectives and Challenges that are not covered in their regular Cyber Curriculum. Most of the activities are advised and trained by current professional Cyber Industry Experts. The Camp also incorporate other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related subject into the overall training.  

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